The Leading Provider of Stopped Vehicle Detection Technology
Navtech Radar’s Intelligent Transport System (ITS) will find a stopped vehicle, wrong-way driver, pedestrian, and obstruction in seconds so operators can get assistance to road users faster. The same system can provide further actionable data, such as vehicle count and classification.
Navtech’s ITS solution for highways, ClearWay, works reliably in poor visibility, when accidents are more likely to happen. Roads are dynamic environments that can quickly become challenging due to darkness, dense fog, snow, spray, headlight and sun glare, or a combination of these factors impairing visibility. Unlike traditional camera systems, in these circumstances our radar technology continues to detect, locate and track incidents across the highway at the most critical times.
Proven effective on national schemes monitoring over 250 miles of motorway, and on smaller projects, our system offers high detection and low false alarm rates. ClearWay delivers a level of operational performance that makes any road where it is deployed significantly safer and more efficient.
Detects stopped vehicles and wrong-way drivers in seconds. Additional incident types include obstructions, slow, queue, wildlife and pedestrian detection, as well as hard shoulder monitoring.
Alternative technologies only provide a snapshot of your network. ClearWay covers the entire freeway. It continually monitors traffic in all lanes, on both carriageways.
Our radar technology works in poor visibility when accidents are more likely to happen, and light-based technologies can start to fail.
Supports operator efficiency and improves response times, with instant incident alerts, automatic camera control for visual context and low false alarm rates.
Delivers comprehensive AID and actionable data such as count and classify from the same system, reducing the number of roadside technologies.
Supports the safer management of part-time shoulder use and all lane running schemes. Provides early incident alerts, ramp monitoring and performance data to help keep traffic flowing.
Our patented 360° radar rotate at 4Hz, collecting 1,140,000 data points per rotation, and cover 12+ lanes of highway.
The CTS350 radar is used for highways projects in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Download the datasheetWatch our video to see an example of ClearWay raw radar data.
No roadside cleaning or hardware maintenance for 10+ years keeping roadworkers out of harm's way.
We have a network of technology partners in Europe and the US to provide in country support.
Our patented 360° radar rotate at 4Hz, collecting 1,140,000 data points per rotation, and cover 12+ lanes of highway.
The KTS350 radar is used in the US to meet local frequency requirements
Download the datasheetWatch our video to see an example of ClearWay raw radar data.
No roadside cleaning or hardware maintenance for 10+ years keeping roadworkers out of harm's way.
We have a network of technology partners in Europe and the US to provide in country support. If you are interested in becoming an official partner please get in touch.