Problems We Solve Markets Radar Solutions Projects Why Navtech? Innovation Lab Support

Tunnel Operators

360° radar solution for highways, tunnels, and bridges.

We work with tunnel operators to improve safety, such as in the Ryfast Tunnel in Norway, where 102 radar cover 28.8km of subsea tunnel, providing automatic incident detection. The same system can also be deployed on the highway.

ITS technology: improving journeys and advancing safety

Comprehensive automatic incident detection and traffic data, all from the same system.


Safety, efficiency, and sustainability

The safe operation of tunnels is paramount considering that any incident in such an enclosed space is a serious one. We work with tunnel operators around the world to improve the safety of their tunnels including the Ryfast tunnel in Norway, where 102 radar cover 28.8 km of tunnel providing automatic incident detection. Our radar are also installed in shorter tunnels, such as the Hindhead tunnel in England, a strategically important tunnel linking England’s capital, London, to the south of the country.

Navtech’s Intelligent Transport System (ITS) detects stopped vehicles and wrong-way drivers in seconds so operators can deploy response teams faster, and is trusted to automatically trigger the closure of a tunnel and setting of warning signs when a wrong-way driver is detected.

Our radar-based solution can advance safety in tunnels with fewer sensors compared to alternative technologies. In the event of a serious incident or tunnel fire, the system provides emergency services with real-time information on the location of people and vehicles in the tunnel. The radar continues to detect through smoke and hot gases, and it requires no cleaning or maintenance.

Situational Awareness for Emergency Services

Navtech’s situational awareness provides the emergency services with a real-time map view of the tunnel to inform their tactical response to a serious incident or fire. It shows the number and location of vehicles and pedestrians in the tunnel. Accessible on any web browser, this situational information can be shared across the whole team.

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Situational Awareness for Tunnel Operators

Using Navtech’s situational awareness, tunnel operators have a real-time map view of the tunnel showing the exact location of incident alerts and live tracks of stopped vehicles and pedestrians. The tunnel is represented in 100m sections. Traffic density and travel times can also be viewed on the tool.

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ClearWay is Navtech’s highway, tunnel, and bridge ITS system. ClearWay combines patented radar technology and advanced radar analytics software to deliver safety when its needed most.

  • 360° field-of-view
  • Up to 1km coverage per radar
  • Multiple capabilities
  • Customisable alert rules
  • Hardwired and 4G options
ClearWay Overview
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