Learn more about the problems our radar for security solutions solve.
Intelligent Transport SystemsLearn more about the problems our radar for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solve.
Industrial Automation SolutionsLearn more about the problems our radar for industrial automation solutions solve.
Learn more about the markets our radar for security solutions serve.
Intelligent Transport SystemsLearn more about the markets our radar for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) serve.
Industrial Automation SolutionsLearn more about the markets our radar for industrial automation solutions serve.
For complex, active sites where legitimate and illegitimate activity may occur at the same time.
Intelligent Transport Systems360° radar solution for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) market.
Industrial Automation SolutionsIntegrate our sensors with your automation system to unlock complete performance in any condition.
Airports and security-critical applications use radar for good reasons. Unlike cameras and fences, which may fail or be overcome, radar works in all weather and light conditions, requires minimal infrastructure and is highly effective, even at 3 km. Watch to learn how radar applications go beyond just PIDS.
Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance