Learn more about the problems our radar for security solutions solve.
Intelligent Transport SystemsLearn more about the problems our radar for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solve.
Industrial Automation SolutionsLearn more about the problems our radar for industrial automation solutions solve.
Learn more about the markets our radar for security solutions serve.
Intelligent Transport SystemsLearn more about the markets our radar for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) serve.
Industrial Automation SolutionsLearn more about the markets our radar for industrial automation solutions serve.
For complex, active sites where legitimate and illegitimate activity may occur at the same time.
Intelligent Transport SystemsNavtech's 360° radar solution is used by highway agencies, DOTs, tunnel operators, toll and concession owners to operate their roads, tunnels and bridges more safely and efficiently.
Industrial Automation SolutionsIntegrate our sensors with your automation system to unlock complete performance in any condition.
Published: 30/10/2019
Navtech’s high definition, robust sensors are now compatible with ROS, the Robot Operating System, allowing raw data from the radar to be extracted and subscribed directly from the ROS platform. This makes manipulating data simpler and ensures a seamless integration.
Not only this, but the data can also be published as a point cloud. This makes it much easier for anybody who purchases the radar to integrate it in their system and assures customers that our sensor will work with their current vehicle.
If you would like to know more about ROS, and our sensors for autonomous vehicles, please contact us.