Published: 03/08/2015
Radar used to be expensive, but it is now finding a role alongside other surveillance technologies as an affordable option. Radar is finding favour in homeland security applications and the most successful applications of radar are those that work as part of a wide-area surveillance network that also includes CCTV and other intruder based technologies. The advantage of using radar is its ability to work in all weather and light conditions. This is essential for 24 hour surveillance of protected sites where safety and security are paramount.
Navtech Radar’s AdvanceGuard solution is one which combines radar with integrated software and CCTV to offer unrivalled detection and situational awareness. AdvanceGuard is the ideal solution for critical infrastructure protection, due to its long range, 360° coverage and unrivalled rates of low false alarms. The system can be placed onto existing infrastructure in the site, keeping engineering costs low. Power stations, data centres and airports are just some of the applications in which AdvanceGuard has already been installed for critical infrastructure protection.
AdvanceGuard is the most reliable and accurate solution on the market, with flawless performance 24 hours a day, in all weather and light conditions.
Read more from security middle east magazine: See article (page 41)