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What is new on AdvanceGuard

Published: 28/02/2019

Welcome to AdvanceGuard version 4
AdvanceGuard version 4 offers new cutting-edge technology for optimum security in mission critical sites. Expanding on the previous version, the software update includes improved scalability and redundancy, as well as enhanced data analysis and an extensive number of configurable rules to suit the needs of complex sites.

What’s new? 

Comprehensive incident analysis

Improved data recording for optimum data analysis of incidents and site activity.

AdvanceGuard wide-area surveillance radar continuously records all events and movements, and the latest version allows for complete analysis of the data. System administrators can easily search for alarm or target data including a detailed history of all movement, meaning incidents can be reviewed in detail. Other reporting features include heat maps, which can highlight areas of poor coverage or frequent activity. These features add significant value to the system, enabling assistance with forensics, training and future security improvements.

  • Target movement
  • Heat maps
  • Forensic analysis
Improved user interface

User-friendly interface for industry leading situational awareness.

AdvanceGuard version 4 uses step-by-step guides to help users during the rapid configuration process. The redeveloped interface layout is easy to navigate and provides some major new enhancements such as the ability to open multiple, independently controlled views of the site. Each view offers differing levels of detail, which gives users the ability to see what is happening in detail during an incident, whilst maintaining an operational view of the entire site. The flexibility of the new interface offers unprecedented levels of situational awareness.

  • Adaptable rules
  • Simple layout
  • User preferences
Sophisticated behaviour analysis

Comprehensive and configurable rules lists and enhanced camera tracking.

A major improvement is the new visual rule editor feature. This allows operators to design and amend a complex set of security rules to detect threats specific to their site, whilst ignoring normal activity. Rules are built around an extensive list of behaviour checks such as the ability to look for unusual types of movement including vehicles moving erratically, people loitering or crowds forming. The logic allows these checks to be combined with real-time analysis of a target’s parameters, such as speed and direction, to ensure users are only alerted to genuine threats.

  • Intelligent camera control
  • Schedule security rules
  • Rule actions

If you would like a demonstration of the new features of AdvanceGuard version 4, please email us on